Hip 2 Soul

Covers/R&B/Rock Band

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Hip 2 Soul is a four piece soul/rock/pop covers band.
The accent is on 'party' and the band delivers with it's high energy performance.
Lead vocalist/front man A.D.is notorious for whipping audiences into a frenzy with his larger than life stage presence.
The band's tight and punchy reditions of popular soul/rock/pop tunes delivered by some of the finest musicians in the country is guaranteed to have the house a rockin'.
From 'corporate' to 'nightclub' gig's Hip2Soul is in high demand and kept busy with a hectic work schedule.
Members of the band are often flown south to record with 'name' acts such is the caliber of the musicians.

Hip 2 Soul
For booking or enquiries please contact Hip 2 Soul
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Phone: Call this artist
Gig Highlights
Reef Hotel Casino resident band.
Port Douglas Food & Wine Festival main act last five years.
Many and varied 'corporate events' that see Hip2Soul traveling in and around Cairns region often to such places as Hamilton Island and interstate when clients need to know the nights entertainment will be first class.

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