Luisa Manea
Art Exhibition/Painter Painter
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Emerging artist Luisa Manea.
Having a background in fashion where the sketches became just as important as the gowns, has developed into Luisa becoming a professional artist.
30 years in the art/ fashion industry winning awards in design and now in art.
Fashion Illustration and developing new techniques with paint and inks has given Luisa's work a very unique edge.
Strong confident women feature strongly in her works.
Influences |
Using up cycled frames and paint and to create 5 portraits of my Eco Leaders.
A thank you from Luisa Manea, RADF and the Queensland government.
The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Cairns Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland. |
Gig Highlights |
2nd June
Cruise Liner Terminal
Cairns |