Mangrove Jack

Acoustic/Originals Band

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Famous through-out Nth Queensland and acclaimed Internationally, Mangrove Jack, continues to produce an exciting blend of Australian and Celtic Music.

MANGROVE JACK’s music is inspired by the beauty and grandeur of the Australian Landscape, and the lilting Celtic background of many of it’s Characters. Moving from Early Colonial Days to Urban Stories and Outback Yarns painting passionate musical pictures from huge Ballad productions to a more light hearted easy listening style.

MANGROVE JACK has been a mainstay of the Cairns Music Scene for many years, and have continually produced a high standard of musicianship and entertainment. This can certainly be said of the current band members. As individuals they have combined to provide a sound uniquely Australian. Not confined by style, the band has persued a variety of music and is still the headline act at McGinty’s Irish Bar Cairns.

Some of Mick’s songs are published internationally through bands such as the Fureys and Magazines such as Speak-Up. While based in Cairns, Mangrove Jack tour regularly playing Clubs, Pubs, Restaurants, Resorts, Theatres, Airports, Wharves, Islands and Conventions throughout Australia, Europe, Asia and the Pacific.

Mangrove Jack
For booking or enquiries please contact Mangrove Jack
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