Elevate your Venue promotions!

If you have an entertainment venue, EntertainmentCairns.com should be an essential part of your marketing & promotions mix. 

It exposes your venue to an ever-growing, diverse range of audiences seeking quality entertainment. 

Choose from our Gold Venue Partner option or give your venue that competitive edge as a Platinum Venue Partner with access to a comprehensive set of additional features designed to increase your visibility to thousands of viewers each month.


  • Venue Profile - feature photo, venue description, contact details plus hotlink to your website and Facebook page.
  • A URL that takes the viewer straight to YOUR venue profile 24/7.
  • Unlimited event listings! Your events listed across our three (3) most popular pages – Home Page, Cairns Gig Guide and What’s On In Cairns Pages. Plus it’s integrated with your gig guide on your Venue page!
  • Cross Links that show all your events when anyone event is viewed on multiple pages! This boosts web visibility and view results.
  • Reach captive audiences through our active Facebook and Instagram marketing pages.

Only: $55 per month $33 per month (inc GST)


Really supercharge you profile with a wide range of additional tools and features designed to give you that competitive edge.

Platinum Venue Partners receive:

  • ALL of the Gold Venue features plus:
  • Enhanced Venue Profile – extra functions and features!
  • Dedicated Facebook and Instagram active marketing each week!
  • Rotating Venue feature banner presented on 3 top viewed pages: Home page, Cairns Gig Guide page, What’s on in Cairns page
  • Inclusion in weekly Enewsletter - Venue of the week sent to 2400 subscribers, Facebook 6700 followers and 50000+ reach in multiple pages!

Only: $88 per month $66 per month (inc GST)


Compare Venue Packages

Able to create eventsTickTick
Social Media Marketing
Our dedicated social team will actively promote your venue and events on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
List unlimited number of events
which integrate with 3 top search pages and your venue page
Number of photos551
Link to your Facebook siteTickTick
Display cover charge requirementsTickTick
Display food options availableTickTick
Display liquor licensing statusTickTick
Online ticketingTickTick
PDF upload of facilities and servicesTickTick
PDF upload of restaurant and menu detailsTickTick
Embedded video clip promoting your venueTickTick
TripAdvisor WidgetTickTick
Link to your X (formerlly Twitter) siteTickTick
Address displayedTickTickTick
Active link to your venue's websiteTickTick
Display opening timesTickTickTick
Enforce event creation restrictionsTick
Able to be contactedTickTickTick
300 word descriptionTickTickTick
Display manager's nameTickTick
Able to be contacted via emailTickTick
Google Map showing the location of your venueTickTickTick
Inclusion in newsletter "Venue of the Week"Tick
Inclusion in newsletter "Feature Event Story"Tick
Special Rotating Feature Venue on 3 top pages!
The Home Page, Cairns Gig Guide page and
What’s on in Cairns page.
Display wheelchair accessTickTick

$66 / month
Signup now

$33 / month
Signup now

All prices shown are in Australian Dollars and include 10% GST.

Other ways to advertise with us

Check out our other exciting and affordable advertising options we can offer at Entertainment Cairns!