Rose Rigley

Sculpture/Installation/Art Exhibition Visual Artist

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Rose Rigley is a contemporary visual artist from Cairns, far north Queensland. Her practice is driven by concept and process and includes sculptural assemblage, mixed media encaustic and artist books. Her focus is the human condition with a particular emphasis on memory and finding a narrative in the ordinary and mundane.
In 2010, Rigley co-founded Knock Knock, an Artist-run-initiative, which has established an ongoing program of curated exhibitions and collaborative projects aimed at generating professional development and artistic opportunities. Rigley also works closely with Inkmasters Cairns Inc being Project Co-Ordinator for 2014 Inkfest, a biennial exhibition and festival of printmaking. She is currently working part time at TAFE North as a Visual Arts Teacher.

Rose Rigley
Cooper hogs the bed I 2015
For booking or enquiries please contact Rose Rigley
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