Soul Song Choir Cairns

Pop/Choral/Soul Choir

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Looking for a choir in Cairns?

Soul Song is a Cairns based choir that celebrates the joy of singing. It is bringing singers out of their showers to come together and learn easy, effective arrangements of popular motown, pop and gospel classics. We are a non religious, informal choir singing music that's great for the soul!

We are the choir for people who think they aren't good enough or brave enough to be in a choir as well as for those that know how good it is to sing in a group.

We sing pop, motown, gospel and soul songs and there's a place for everyone regardless of age or experience. Men and women from any background are more than welcome.

There is no audition process and you don't need to be able to read music. We will work each rehearsal to get a great sound and you will learn general singing and breathing techniques along the way, but Soul Song is mainly about the joy of singing with the chance to make some new friends an added bonus.

There are opportunities for soloists if that's your thing (auditions are required for solo work) but if you prefer to blend into the background, you'll be an equally important part of the group.

We rehearse once a week and aim to perform once or twice a year - not to add pressure, just to show your friends and family what you do every Tuesday night.

We meet every Tuesday at the Cairns Senior Citizens Centre from 6.30-8.30pm and your first rehearsal is free so you can come along and check us out without obligation.

More information, repertoire, photos and video is available at

Soul Song Choir Cairns
For booking or enquiries please contact Soul Song Choir Cairns
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Gig Highlights
In 2015, Soul Song released it's first album! We Are Family was recorded to mark our 5th birthday and features our favourite songs from our 5 year repertoire. You can have a listen to some samples here:
and get your copy here:
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