Tessa Devine

Indie/Folk/Pop Solo

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"Musicians Can’t Be Comedians"

…enchanting, warm, loving, hilarious and broken.

TESSA presents to you a uniquely refreshing show, blending her emotional taste for music with an irrepressible desire to amuse herself. Tessa finds the sweet spot in those serendipitous slips of the tongue during her performances, whilst plucking ordinary memories and turning them into an experience that defies convention.

As a multi-instrumentalist indie-folk singer-songwriter, Tessa possesses a vocal range that traverses from her deep love-drenched lows, to sublime soprano heights. Her diary's poetry becomes soul-stirring songs. Together, her tales and tunes break the rules, giving a profound and enchanting experience.

Tessa is a force to be reckoned with, shattering boundaries with her unconventional shows. Brace yourself, for she has a knack of leaving her audiences feeling powerful and vulnerable. Self-expression is key for Tessa and her music is just the beginning.

TESSA has opened for globally renowned artists such as, || Smash Mouth || Tones and I || Vika and Linda || John Butler || Diesel || Ash Grunwald, and many others.
Captivating her audience effortlessly, Tessa attracts comparisons to the likes of Florence and The Machine, Matt Corby, and Tracey Chapman, yet her shows possess a unique edge that sets her apart.

With two EPs, a debut album, and a string of emotionally charged singles to her name, Tessa returns to her roots with a cache of unreleased music that promises to take your breath away. From funny and quirky to sassy and deeply emotional, the TESSA DEVINE experience beckons you to immerse yourself, completely.

Tessa Devine
For booking or enquiries please contact Tessa Devine
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